Tayyibah Girls School provides a range of extracurricular activities available to students.

Staff are very generous with their time in order to enrich our students’ experience and a large number of clubs and activities are available covering a wide variety of interests.

English, Mathematics, Art, French, and Arabic clubs are all active within the school.

Senior students have the opportunity:

  • To attend after school Pilates classes.

  • Particapte in the Saving Londoners’ Lives First Aid training.

  • Nuffield Research Project – This project allows students to work in a research laboratory and gives students vast opportunities to develop skills that will enable them to progress further into their chosen careers

The school is in the process of enrolling our senior girls onto the Duke of Edinburgh Award. The programme will start in February 2016.

The school also gives it students the opportunity to raise money for a variety of charities.

Our school council, provides students with the opportunity to involve themselves in school issues.