Author: Ashraf Patel (Ashraf Patel)

Black History Month 2023

Black History Month 2023

Every year, Black History Month takes place in the month of October. This year, TGS students relished the opportunity to learn about notable people from the past and present. Some students from primary and from secondary took the opportunity to create imaginative and vibrant posters. In  secondary English, some students analysed  the evocative work of...

The Incredible Diary Of…

The Incredible Diary Of…

In July 2023, the Year 4 and 5 students (now Years 5 and 6) entered a creative writing competition entitled, ‘ The Incredible Diary of…..’ Students had to write a diary entry based on being ‘The Incredible Diary of…..’ The students were able to create a character who they based their diary entry upon. Nearly...

What Parents and Carers Need to Know About the Dangers of Vaping

What Parents and Carers Need to Know About the Dangers of Vaping

They’ve helped thousands of people successfully quit smoking; in laboratory tests, they’ve been found to be up to 95% less harmful than cigarettes; and they’ve been hailed as “a game changer for public health” by one independent review. So why exactly are vapes and e-cigarettes still regarded by many experts as controversial and potentially dangerous?...

Looking After Your Wellbeing Online

Looking After Your Wellbeing Online

The online world and digital technology has become such a significant part of our lives – and integral to so many aspects of our daily routine – that we shouldn’t be surprised at the degree of influence it can wield over what we think and how we feel. Many experiences that young people have on...

Wakeup Wednesday: Telegram

Wakeup Wednesday: Telegram

A free online safety guide on Telegram. With more than 700 million users worldwide, Telegram is a popular alternative to the likes of WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger; indeed, in some countries, it’s overtaken that pair to become the most-used instant messaging app. Telegram’s no stranger to controversy, however, and has occasionally been made unavailable for...

Somalia Drought Fundraiser

Somalia Drought Fundraiser

The students at the schools staged a number of activities to raise funds for the drought in Somalia. Jazakallah Khairan to all who supported the students in raising money to support the victims of the drought.   Update: May 2023 Donation Report from UWT Please Click to View

Annual Quran Competition

Annual Quran Competition

The Annual Primary Quran Competition took place before the month of Ramadhan. Congratulations  to all the Winners and Participants.

World Pi Day

World Pi Day

Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world Year 11s formed a pi symbol as part of World Pi Day activities

Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week

This year, the theme of Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘Let’s Connect’. Students celebrated this occasion in various ways across the school. ‘Let’s Connect’ is a theme that encourages students to look inwardly and think about their own personal connections. Primary students made paper chains where each individual student made separate links in the chain,...