Anti-Bullying Week 2022: Reach Out

This year, Anti-Bullying week ran from Monday 14th November 2022 – Friday 18th November. Children participated in Anti-Bullying week by learning about the various forms that bullying can take and how they should be combated. This year’s theme was ‘Reach Out’.

Pupils were taught about the importance of reaching whenever they are worried about something or worried about someone else.

During PSHCE/Islam & Citizenship lessons, pupils were reminded of the forms bullying can take and then looked at ways of tackling bullying.

On Friday 18th November 2022, pupils participated in Odd Socks Day for the 5th year running. Odd Socks Day is a chance for students to come in wearing odd socks of their choice. Wearing odd socks is a reminder to pupils that they are all diverse and unique. These are qualities that pupils should appreciate in one another and celebrate.

As well as wearing vibrant odd socks, primary pupils also had the chance to design a pair of unique odd socks on sock templates as part of a school Odd Socks Day competition. There were a number of entries from which a winner and two runners up were chosen.


Winning Entries



Other Entries