Our Curriculum
The curriculum at Tayyibah Girls School aims to prepare children in understanding the world around them and prepare them to become lifelong learners. It is designed to give all children equal opportunities to make progress and take ownership of their learning, developing skills for independent learning in the future. The curriculum provides opportunities for deeper learning, allowing learners to think critically, communicate effectively across all subjects and transfer their acquired knowledge and skills from one situation to another. Our curriculum is tailored to capitalise on the knowledge and cultural diversity of the local environment.
As part of the curriculum planning process, teachers work in teams to carefully plan cross curricular learning opportunities. This includes:
Carefully planned sequence of lessons which focus on progression and depth
Opportunities for learners to be challenged, express viewpoints, consider opinions and to assess and evaluate information
Differentiated tasks that develop learner’s ability to retain information and to integrate new knowledge into larger concepts
Considering the impacts of events that will create gaps in the children’s learning and aim to address typical misconceptions
Creating experiences beyond the classroom which enrich their learning and build confidence
The impact of our curriculum is to develop learners who are more socially aware, confident and reflective. The impact of the depth and quality of learning is assessed using the following methods:
Tracking standards of the whole curriculum through formative and summative assessments
Reviewing pupil responses in independent or group tasks
Book scrutiny across the school thinking about evidence of pupils learning, making judgments and strengthening outcomes.
A celebration of learning for each term which demonstrates planned progression across the school